After creating a repository and database users, the next step is to connect to the PetroAI database. This can be accomplished a number of ways and depends on your internal setup and data storage. One common way to load data is using an off the shelf product like SSMS or DBeaver. This how to guide uses DBeaver as an example although other database management tools will be similar. 

How-to Setup Database Connection to the PetroAI Cloud

Establishing a database connection to PetroAI can be done in three steps.

  • Step 1: Create new connection
  • Step 2: Select database driver
  • Step 2: Configure connection

Step 1: Create new connection

  • Click on the plus symbol to open the new connection dialog window

Step 2: Select database driver

  • When the new connection dialog opens you can select the database driver
  • PetroAI Cloud uses MySQL, select this option and then "Next"

Step 3: Configure connection

  • Copy the connection string from the Access page of PetroAI Cloud under the Settings tab and paste it into the Server Host field. 

The connection string only includes the URL, do not include the "Server=" or any of the connection information following the URL. 

  • The Database field is optional
  • Check that the port is 3306
  • Fill in the Username and Password fields using the credentials you created inside PetroAI Cloud

The username used here includes the database prefix and should be of the form: database_username

If this is your first time connecting to MySQL, you may be prompted to install the needed drivers. 

  • Once all fields are complete, click on "Test Connection" to ensure the configuration is working
  • If the connection test is successful, click on "Finish", otherwise double check your connection string, username, and password for errors

Additional Resources

DBeaver Documentation - this step-by-step guide goes additional detail on using DBeaver and establishing a database connection.